Warm nights, and Cold Patron*

My vision's blurred, my words slurred
Its jam packed, a million girls
And I ain't tryin to lead em
We drunk so let me be your alcohol hero
Bottoms up-- Trey Feat Nicki Minaj

As a college student, I will be the first to admit how prevalent drinking is in our generation. I remember my Post experience like it was yesterday, and for the most part it was. Thursday's started our weekend, and like clock work, after all of our last class, we would be discussing the liquor store movements, and who would be making the trip. It didn't matter if we were going to a club, or just staying on campus; alcohol would be in our evening no matter where we ended up. Eventually it became more then just a weekend thing, and soon there were even Sunday's, Monday's etc that partying would take place. I say this with the most sincerity, my friend's and I are all social drinkers. The problem is that we're also very social. It also doesn't help that my tight knit circle consists of 6-8 of us. So when we all get together because of how many of us it's always such a social event.
I live for the nights that I can’t remember,
with the people I won’t forget.

It's sad to say, but I do live for those nights. I love my team, and sober or extremely inebriated it is exactly the same. I don't consider myself to have friends, because friends will do you wrong if giving the opportunity. What I do have are women that have become my sisters. We've all had disagreements, but when it counts we're always there for each other. We push each other to do what's right, and are there with an ear when things are going wrong. I have found my extended family, and that's why it doesn't matter that there's so much of us. So, yes, we've had many night's that even til this day I can't remember. Yet, the fact remains true, blur or not I'm having the time of my life with the people I will never forget.

make the most out of tonight and worry bout it all tomorrow
--Show me a good time Drake
In no way am I condoning excessive drinking, nor am I saying to drown your sorrows. What I am saying is that each person has their thing. My friend's and I just happen to enjoy occasional intoxication, mixed with a lot of laughs, great music, intellectual conversations, that are a lot of the time filled with the normal nonsense talks. It eases my load of stress, and reminds me that life is too short to always take so seriously. Of course there's been times when I may not have known that I should have stopped 3 drinks ago, but just like every other situation, when my head met the toilet I learned my lesson. AS long as what you enjoy doing, doesn't stand in the way of your productivity then it's fine. Everything in moderation is fine.
Word of advice though, a lot of these songs are geared towards men getting females drunk to take advantage. Again, this is NOT what I'm condoning. Go out, have a good time, but in no way allow anyone to take advantage of you. It is extremely important that you know your limits, and if you don't it's even more so important to drink with people you trust. People who, if you embarrass yourself are right there picking up the pieces, rather then laughing right at you. There's a big difference, and along with drinking responsibly, you have to know who you're pouring your poison with.
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