All It Takes Is O N E *

Last night, I had the pleasure of going to dinner with my father. After the 7:40 viewing of Paranormal Activity 2, we sat down at UNO's to grab a quick bite to eat. My father, even as annoying as he can be sometimes (actually quite a bit of the time lol) he is truly one of the smartest people I know. His honesty is what always gets to me. We sat down, and talked about life, and how it always has a way of teaching some very hard lessons. He truly inspired this post. He said one of the most truthful things to me, that had me up thinking about it the whole night. He told me:
'You're one person away from helping you, or destroying you'Sherwin Delande
This quote hit me deep, because of how raw, and honest it was. It made complete sense for what I'm going through, and what anyone out there is going through. In life we have, and will continue to meet many different people. As I've said before, some will stay for a lifetime, and other's not quite so long, but each person comes with a valuable lesson to teach us. It never occurred to me to touch on the subject of the two very different people that will come into everyones life, at least once.
The DETRIMENTAL lesson. I told you a few posts before, that I've always had trouble deciphering the good eggs, from the bad ones. This is also partially because, I want to believe that everyone is good at heart. This unfortunately is not ALWAYS true. Sometimes, for no reason I'm able to comprehend, there are some bad people out there. If you're truly a good person at heart, sometimes this is hard to understand. BUT, it's the God's honest truth. Not everyone is going to be your friend, just like not everyone is going to like you, or have your best interest at heart. The blunt truth is, some people are actually going to wish for your demise, or will use you to their benefits, and dispose of you when their done. You're always one person away from destroying yourself. You ever heard the saying, 'you got caught up with the wrong crowd' well that saying is true. All it takes is the wrong set of friends to turn your life around in a negative way. All it takes is ONE.
ONE wrong choice to horrible consequences.
ONE wrong turn, until you're lost.
ONE more drink that has you sleeping with the toilet.
ONE wrong place, at the wrong time.
ONE bad grade, to lower your GPA.
ONE party, that can have you wishing you never went.
ONE wrong person, will have you wishing you could rewind time.
ONE bad egg, to spoil the bunch.
It sucks, but all it does take is one. One wrong choice, and you can make your life so much harder then it has to be. I have made a series of wrong choices, and have always chosen to learn the hard way, rather then listening before hand. I hope that my blogs serves as a way for you guys to prevent yourselves from making the same mistakes. I know, no one likes to hear their parents warning's, because to us it's like 'What do they know?' They mean well, and I wish I would have took heed to what my parent's told me. They did know everything they were speaking about, I was just to stubborn to see. So, if it helps that I am a peer, who's been through it all, then that's fine too. I'd rather BE the example, since I obviously couldn't SET the example.
The GUARDIAN Angel. Just like all it takes is one WRONG person to turn your WHOLE life upside down; all it takes is one RIGHT person, to uplift you in so many ways you never knew possible. Some of us are blessed to have many of these kinds of people in our life, and if you're one of them, appreciate all that you have. These type of people allow you the room to grow, push you in positive directions, and only want the BEST for you. All it takes is ONE right choice, to have your life going so well, we just have to make them.
ONE right person, can have you seeing just how GREAT life really is.
ONE chance to prove how successful you can be, for the right person to help you.
ONE right network, to put you in the place you NEED to be in.
All it takes is ONE
If we think to all the successful people in the world, whether its Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Jay-Z, Mark Zuckerburg, Beyonce etc, yes it took A LOT of hard work to get them where they are today, but all it took was one person to believe in their dream, for them to honestly know it was possible. They got that ONE shot to prove themselves. Truthfully, that's all you need, and that's all you really have. That's why they say 'First Impressions' are so damn important, because they are. The same goes for all the people in your life. They are the foundation of who you are, so if you're constantly surrounding yourself with so many negative people, what image are you portraying of yourself? You know what they say:
'Show me your friends, and I'll tell you who you are'
Surround yourself with those who are going to lift you up; not those who want nothing but to bring you down. Those that want to see you succeed, not the one's who want you to fail. The one's who push you to chase your dreams, not the ones who use you to their own benefits, and then dispose of you on their own terms. Either way, each person will enter your life, its up to you to decide which one you'll allow in. Happy decisions guys :)
hey this was something i want meant to read, i like it
ReplyDeleteTell dad I said hey...
ReplyDeleteAnd this is sooooo true...
Sometimes you have to go with your gut... Instead of with the crowd...