If You Can Make it [HERE] You Can Make It ANYWHERE ♥

This past weekend, my cousin came to visit me from Virginia. She came to get away from the everyday stress, that life sometimes drops on our heads. This trip to her, was for clarity; a chance for her to breathe again, and decide where her life was going, and how her everyday path coincided with where she NEEDS/WANTS to be. She came here, to clear her mind, and in her doing that, it offered the insight I NEEDED.

I have been away from this blog, for WAY TOO LONG, the dates are there, so we all know. I will credit that reason, to being caught up, with trying to accomplish so much. I'm at a stage, where I feel like I'm NOT DOING ENOUGH. I'm striving for more, but on my own terms. My life, has never been about me, prior to this. I have always been concerned with pleasing everyone else, but never truly considered pleasing myself first. I'm telling everyone, if you want something, you DO IT, because YOU want to; Do not do it, because it will make your parents, friends, siblings, teachers, whoever happy. Life is too short, to not live for yourself. I'm not saying, not to make your family proud, but what I AM SAYING, is make YOURSELF, proud FIRST. Everyone has to live their own life, and each one of us, has our OWN journey. Don't worry about how fast, or how slow you're going, just as long as you're moving forward.

I don't think anyone is harder on me, than ME.
I mentioned earlier that I don't feel like I'm doing enough, and this is the honest truth. I'm working towards a better me, but I realized I wasn't writing as much as I used to, because of everything I was trying to accomplish. I kept trying not to overwhelm myself, but some days were better than others. I'm swamped with bills, and even though, bills will never be the center of my life, it got to a point where I felt as though, those bills we're preventing me from doing what I WANT to do. If anyone is in a place, where you're feeling like, there is so much that needs to be done, that you don't even know where to begin, just know you're NOT ALONE. My only advice, is to take it a day at a time. Start with the most important task, and then work your way to the bottom. It will all get done, if you stay on top of yourself. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

I'm sitting behind my lap top, and I feel so great. I love writing so much, because it's my chance to creatively express myself. Anyone who knows me, can tell you, I never let them see me sweat. Them refers to outsiders. I can be going through a major crisis, and I would never allow anyone to know. This isn't to put up a front, this is just my personality. I will still be the girl, with the hugest smile, telling a friend, things will be okay, even if my life is in shambles. I'm a positive person. I see the good, in the bad. My cup is always half full, and that helps keep me grounded. Yet, I'm STILL human, and just like everyone else, I go through a lot of things. This blog allows me to vocalize that, in my OWN way.

". . If you can make it here, you can make it ANYWHERE. . "
Anyone that knows me, knows my dream is to move to LA, but more than anything, I will always love NYC. I spent this weekend in the city, dreaming. Dreaming of possibilities, I will work my ass off, to make come true. I love NYC, because of the different people that fill the streets. I love the environment, I love the air, I love the fact that you can meet someone so talented, chasing the same dream, or path that you're chasing. I am so passionate when it comes to talent.

I love go-getter's.
People who don't wait for it to come to them, but they go out their way to make it happen for themselves. I love it all. I feed off that energy, it's inspiring, it's edgy, it says 'I know what I want, and I'm going for it.' NYC is filled with so much talent, and passion, it's almost impossible not to feed off of it. People from all over, add visit NYC to their bucket lists, because it's the land of possibilities. If we can make it HERE, I promise we can make it ANYWHERE. WHY? Simply because, NYC is filled with so many different people, but a lot of them, share the same dream. The competition is at an all time high. If you can make it, in a place where so many other people are dreaming, and chasing the same as you, and the competition is so high, then you can MAKE IT ANYWHERE. NYC is the fashion capital of the world, the financial district, among many other things, but to be living with this reality, and to not to take advantage of all the opportunities this wonderful city has to offer, would be suicide. I urge you all, to never settle for mediocrity. Strive for the unthinkable. Think outside the box, and go for it.

I'm striving for what I know I can accomplish. It's time to kick it into overdrive. It's time for us all to stand up as individuals, and be who we know we can be...

". . I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive. . I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise. ."


  1. this really inspired me, i've been feeling like that too lately. I feel under-accomplished like I should be doing so much more right now. Please keep writing, your writing is very motivational and inspiring. No lie, I would buy your book right now if you had one.

  2. Thanx a lot. . . and okay I will!!!! b/c this means soo much to me :-*

  3. I know there is no one out there harder on me than myself. It can be the biggest hnderance. THat wuote by N. Minaj is one of my favorites...

  4. *hinderance. **quote. Sorry!


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