I'm A Host Of Imperfections ♥

I'm a train wreck in the morningFlaws & All Beyonce
I'm a bitch in the afternoon
Every now and then without warning
I can be really mean towards you
I'm a puzzle yes indeed
Ever complex in every way
And all the pieces aren't even in the box
And yet, you see the picture clear as day
When I need attention I tend to nag
I'm a host of imperfection
And you see past all that
I am 100% annoying. I'm not ashamed to say this, this is the truth. I know, sometimes I complain too much, argue about foolishness, and to say the least, I can be really needy when I want to be. Along with these, I can also be really distant, a little overly aggressive, pride set too high, and sometimes extremely bitchy. Yet, just like Beyonce has stated, Accept Me Flaws And All. I don't pretend to be something I'm not, as you shouldn't either. I know my flaws, and I love every aspect of them. I stand behind them completely, and anyone who enters my life should too. Why? simply, because along with all these sometimes negative qualities, I have a multitude of great ones.
If you don't like something, you fix it, until you receive what you do like. This goes with any aspect of your life. Whether it be a relationship, a job, a career choice, etc. It doesn't matter what it is, if something doesn't please you, get rid of it. Life is too short, to accept thing's you're not happy with. This is where my complaints come from. Anyone who knows me, knows I complain. I'll rephrase that. Anyone who knows me, knows I like what I like.
When I go to the hair salon, I am very particular, about the products that go into my hair. I hate too much oil, because by day 3 it doesn't move. I am very vocal about this, to any person that lays their fingers on my head. There is of course an exception. My hair guru Janel(Cocoa Mane). She tells ME, what my hair needs, and I go right along with it.
I know what I want. I will not accept what I don't. I'm the same when it comes to my nails, food, clothes,and men. I will NOT, waste my time with things I'm unhappy with. Sure, for me to learn I was unhappy with it, I had to spend a little time, less then pleased. Life is a series of lessons, and it's up to us, to really get something out of each.
One thing you CANNOT do, is complain about what you accept. It's in bold for a reason. For example, if I simply complained, about let's say a polish I hated, instead of actually having the color changed, it wouldn't make any sense. If you're going to complain, just to do nothing about your current situation, you should save your breath. No one, likes to hear complaints, especially when they know you're not going to do anything about it.
I DO NOT complain, about thing's I accept. I also have stopped complaining about thing's I cannot change. Take it how you want, but I don't. I'd rather keep silent, then to make it vocal knowing I'm not ready to move on from the unpleasing situation. I recommend you try and do the same. If you're unhappy, do something about it. If not, don't complain, because once you accept it, you lose your right to complain.
It doesn't matter what flaw's you have, because we are all host's of imperfections. I just know that, when it counts someone will appreciate me for all. They'll have to, because I will not pretend to be someone I'm not. Sure, if something is bothering me, I'm going to let them know, but that's who I am. I will not remain silent, if I think someone I care about is doing something wrong, especially when it comes to our 'relationship'. Never be afraid to voice your feelings, or to be who you are. Remember along with you're not so great qualities, you're filled with a multitude of wonderful ones. We're human, and whether we like to admit it our not, we all have flaws.
I love ME. FLAWS & ALL. You think, I'm going to allow anyone to love my half-way? I think not. Take ALL of me, or have NONE of me.