Drunk Dial Me?!

According to the urban dictionary, drunk dial is defined as:
a communication via telephone (usually through talking but also applies to text messaging) that is somehow embarrassing or absurd. One drunk-dials to emote, excoriate, declare, confide, or proposition, often at a grossly inappropriate hour. The best drunk dials are those whose purpose is to either insult or get back together with an ex.
Me: (slurring) I don't understand why you're not listening to me.
Him: because you're drunk, and you're not going to remember anything you're saying tomorrow.
Me: (slurring +screaming) yes I will, I'm going to remember EVERYTHING I'm saying. I hate you. I just don't want to speak to you ever again. .
For the most part, this is how my conversation went. What makes it worse, is that the setting is at an amusement park. I am a HUGE drunk dialer, well I shouldn't say that, because I haven't always been. As of recent, I have though. I'm screaming to everyone, if you're a drunk dialer,check you're self into rehab! It's the worse thing we could ever do. My new thing is, not taking my phone inside any establishment, I'll be drinking in, or allowing a friend to hold it for me. Extreme, I know, but drunk dialing is even worse. It not only depicts a lesser person then you are, but reveals how vulnerable you are, and that maybe drinking shouldn't be something you do. It's even worse when the person we've called is sober. Unless sober people are around you, they usually don't find 'drunk' as entertaining. I know I wouldn't.
If you can't express how you feel sober don't wait until you're drunk to. It comes off as obnoxious, and a pattern will start to be formed. It's not cool, that the only time you express how you're feeling is when your intoxicated. I know, because I definitely don't think it's cool when I do it. Honestly ask yourself, why you have to wait until you're hammered to call this person, and express all the things, you'll be yelling at yourself for the next morning. The good thing about it, is that we are NOT alone. Drunk dialing, along with drunk texting, and sexting are all extremely prevalent. I'm not kidding, it has become a huge epidemic. I entered 'drunk dialing' into google, and 263,000 links came up. So, don't feel alone, because we aren't. Whew, that's reassuring right?

The IPhone actually has an application called 'don't dial' offered by dontdial.com, which allows you to black list certain numbers, that won't be available to you, during the hours of 10pm to 5am. I don't know about you, but I am cracking up at the need for an actual app for drunk dialing. I am glad that I am not the only one suffering from this. Here are some tips to follow, under the theory of : friends, don't let friends dial drunk, I'll be your designated friend :)
1) No calls to Ex's (this includes old flings, boyfriends, old friends, etc) once drinks have entered the system.
2) If you must, give phone to a friend.
3) When in doubt, don't dial.
4) text messages are included :)
All in all, you can make your own rules, but please stick to them. For all those who have been lucky enough, to never drunk dial, I am in envy of you. I am proud to say that I am a recovering drunk dialer. I've been clean for a week (go me! haha) and I plan to beat this case of horrendous drunk dialing. We are in this together, because remember 'friends, don't let friends DIAL DRUNK'
this was a real interesting post, I've done the drunk dial thing once or twice myself,lol but I love your honesty, keep it up mama