My Bucket List ♥ We should ALL have One.

"Sieze the day, or die regretting the time you lost."

The 2007 Warner Brother's movie, 'The Bucket List' starring Jack Nicholson, and Morgan Freeman, was about "Two terminally ill men who escaped from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die." This movie, inspired this blog. Three years after seeing this movie, I decided, in perfect health, to make my own bucket list.

WHY? It's important to set goals for yourself. It's also even more important to write those goals down, so we don't allow ourselves to stray off course. Even if you're not a writer per say, everyone should write down their thoughts, their goals, and how they will go about achieving them. This allows your mind to focus on what's important. Along with setting goals, I also think that life is short, and there is so much to see, and get out of this world, that a bucket list only makes sense. WE, as a species always put off what we can do today. I think if we all have a bucket list, it allows us to realize that what we want to do, is just as important as what we HAVE to do. So simply put, I decided to write a bucket list, because there is a lot I want to take out of this life. I want to experience more then the norm, and I'm going to. I urge everyone to take a pen, and paper out, and get to writing your own. It will make you smile, and as you start to do them, check them off. Unlike Morgan Freeman, and Jack Nicholson, I will not be waiting until I am terminally ill, to do all I wanted to do. It is today that we should start living. When death comes knocking on my door, I want to feel like I am not leaving anything behind. Nor will I feel like I didn't do all I wanted to. Happy writing guys :)

Here's a snippet of mine :) enjoy

My Bucket List

Go to a gun range.
Experience a nude beach, in the nude.
Go skydiving.
Travel all through Europe.
Travel all through Africa.
Visit the pyramids in Egypt.
Go backpacking in another country.
Experience the coffee shops, and red light district. (Europe)
Travel to all the continents.
Publish a book. (finish writing my book)
Visit china, while doing research on my family history.
Randomly drive to a place I've never been, and just stay overnight at one of the first hotels I see. Completely live in the 'moment'.
Buy my mom a house, and her own restaurant.
Sit court side at a Lakers game.
Go to the Superbowl.
Own a Maserati.
Go to an All star game.
Take self-defense.
Open up a franchise.
Start an organization that helps young girls, move on with life, after they've made so many wrong choices.
Cut my hair short.
Have a farm with all my favorite animals.

There's so much more, but it's a snippet. I hope this has inspired you all to write your own. It's fun, its silly, but most of all its the map to the life you're going to live. So what are you waiting for? Seize the day!

"Carpe Diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think."


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