Random thoughts*

Random thoughts ♥
I want to be loved. . But really loved, flaws and all. Inside && out.
I believe in happy endings, even in a world full of pain.
I like gazing up at the stars, and making wishes.
I hope one day to grow old with someone that truly cares for me.
I miss being a kid. . being a grown up makes you see how hard life is.
I love life, even through all it's ups and downs.
I AM an aspiring actress, writer, dedicated, determined, driven, caring, considerate, generous, jovial, nice, persistent, loving, trustworthy, savvy, intelligent, funny, meaningful, deep, creative, compassionate, passionate, sympathetic, non-judgemental, a friend, an older sister, a cousin, a daughter, a grandchild, a niece, a stranger, I AM ME.
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