Only Things Open: Fast Food && Legs

&& in some states pass 10pm fast food is even closed. As I mentioned in prior post's, I am currently not in New York. I miss it dearly, but that is not the point of this posting. The point is, after 12am, the only two thing's open are fast food, and legs. I'm not burger king, and unfortunately for whoever my legs will be remaining closed.
What's the point? I am a strong believer in actions speaking louder then words. If you miss someone, you show them,you tell them. If you're thinking of someone, you call them, and let them know. I am 6 hours away from all my loved ones, so thing's that they could do before they can't. Yet calls, do wonder's of letting me know you've been thinking of me. Last night, or this morning rather, I had to instill a new rule, that I've never had to do before. That rule is:
No calls at inappropriate times. Especially if this is the first time I'm hearing from you.
I don't care if our conversations are the furthest away from sexual as they can be. Men show you the type of woman they believe you are, by what they do. So, what is this man telling me, if all his calls are coming past 12am? Even if he isn't saying it, his actions are.I am not in anyway, a born again virgin. I'm FAR FROM IT, and of course there's always exceptions to every rule. Like for instance, if it was a weekend, and I was out, late phone calls depending on how often I heard from you that day, are okay. BUT, If you're not hearing from him throughout the whole day, and when you do it's past 12am, I suggest you instill the no calls after 11 rule.

What are we really talking about at 2am? It sure isn't the weather, or how your day was. My day, and yours has been over for quite a few hours, and if they we're truly concerned, they would have called during your day. I hate stupid conversations, or one's with no destination. I can strike up a conversation about anything, but if the other person can't, it's not going to work. My days are filled with writing, reading, working out, family, getting me in order, and in the midst of that, if I answer your phone call, you better have something entertaining to say. Harsh? NO. Realistic. My biggest mistake before, was wasted time. Wasting time with guys I knew weren't going anywhere, wasting time with pointless conversations, just a bunch of wasted time, that I'll never get back. I'm over wasted time, life's too short for it. Another thing, I will be NO ONE'S second, third, or even fourth choice. I love myself, and each day, that love grows stronger and stronger. I will always be MY OWN FIRST CHOICE. Hours pass and the only few conversations I have are with my family. For the most part, it's been ME, MYSELF, AND I. Before this realization, I used to NEED someone to fill the void of loneliness, now I don't understand why. It's life, and I've learned what I should and shouldn't be doing. What I should, and should have NEVER accepted.
Part of becoming a better person, one who doesn't make the same mistakes, is learning where you made the mistakes in the first place. I know in the past I allowed late night calls, otherwise known as 'booty calls' but, I deserve better then that. I AM better then that. Now, I'm speaking for myself. I don't judge ANYONE, I can't. If you're in a relationship, there's different things that are acceptable, and late night phone calls sometimes are, depending on how long you've been together. I'm not in one; not even remotely close. I am six hours away from my friends, and any guy that I'd ever be interested in. So you have to work a little harder to prove that you miss me, care about me, or are interested in me. So calling after 12 am just says you only thought about me when you laid down in your bed. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not be called at all.
If we want to take it a step further, if the only time I'm hearing from you is after 12 am, it's technically the next day. Which means you waited a full twenty four hours, to call me. Then when you finally did, it was at a time, that most people are sleeping. It doesn't matter if I'm not (I'll be honest, I've become quite the insomniac) the point is, what are you subliminally telling me?
I've instilled this rule, to make my point clear. Do not call me at all, if you can't call at decent hours of the day. I don't need to have late night conversations. I'm not having sex, I don't need to hear you rolling around in your bed, and you certainly don't need to hear me doing the same. Just like the saying 'Leaving little to the imagination' I happen to love my imagination. I'm human, I've had sex before, I've done the late night phone calls. I'm not doing them now, because I'm not sending anyone the wrong message. Love it, Hate it, Judge me for it, it doesn't matter. Rule still remains. :)
I love it... Nothing good could come from a 2am call... trust me you and me both know this...Many of our adventures came from someone calling and saying pass thru... Not cool... You are in control of your happiness... and through ALOT of thinking and soul searching I have realized this... We put our self in predicaments that jeopardize our own happiness to make someone else happy and in the end we have to ask was it worth it half the time no... And my point of this is that most of these bad decisions come from late nite calls and text that we as woman have no bizness entertaining... We have to understand and know our worth so that other can see it too... Love u... And cont. writing so I can cont to comment :)