The Perfect Stranger (:

"I have always depended on the kindness of strangers"Tennessee Williams.
Today, I received one of the most heartfelt, and amazing emails of life. Whom did it come from? A perfect STRANGER. What is a stranger? According to Webster,a stranger is:
"a person or thing that is unknown or with whom one is unacquainted"So, yes, this person and I are unacquainted, yet here I am dedicating a post to this stranger. Why? because the email made me think, it stirred up a lot of feelings, and made me look even deeper inside myself. The email was about me, my blog, and it gave me a lot of insight. The point is, I am 21 years of age, and this stranger is the first person to actually verbalize what I NEEDED to hear. It was in no way a kiss ass email, it actually was a reality check.
"Your mind is the most valuable resource that you have. Protect it and try to keep as many positive thoughts in it as possible. In the long run it will lead to you doing positive things."--J.HMy biggest mistake has been, allowing negative thoughts to control my mind. Life isn't fair, but that's the beauty in it. Sometimes everything is not going to go your way, but we have the power to not let it control us. I read once, that 'life isn't fair, but as soon as we accept this notion, we'll be able to deal with it a lot better.' I couldn't agree more. I'm human, and I know that a lot of times when I'm upset, depressed, or what have you, instead of accepting whatever it is, and finding a way to make the situation better; I'd rather dwell, and sulk, about how unfair it is. This is not the way to think. I realize now, from this PERFECT stranger, what I've always known, but never followed through with. Our thoughts control everything. 'Watch your thoughts, because they become your actions.'
"We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken."Fyodor Dostoevsky
I'm intrigued by strangers; Which is why, I'm truly not a New Yorker. At heart, I don't belong to any state, to anyone (I do of course belong to GOD) I just am. I am a woman, who has a strong passion for conversation; Good conversation. To put it simply, some of the best conversations I've had, have been with strangers. I'm friendly, if someone smiles at me, I smile back. I can strike up a conversation with almost anyone. New Yorkers, for the most part, are known for the 'I don't give a what' attitude, and unless someone tries to hurt my family, or me, I'm not like that. Of course I don't talk to EVERYONE, because you can't. That's reality, it's life, but the one's I have been lucky enough to, have left impressions on me, whether minor or major. Some of my greatest friends, at one point in life were strangers. I am in fact a stranger to some of you, but yet you know a lot about me. So how strange am I?
I'm thankful for this stranger. I'm thankful, because they have allowed me to analyze myself from someone else's eyes. "It takes a village to raise a child." In a way, I'm still a child, learning, and if someone from the outside offers insight, I'm always grateful for it. Until next time guys :) Have anything you'd like to address, feed back is always welcomed :)
Note about above picture: To me strange is better then normalcy. I'd hope people thought I was strange, because that makes me intriguing. You want to find more about this person, because of how much their unknown to you. I like the above picture, because it's abstract, it's unique, and I get a lot of different feelings when looking at it. BUT, most of all, it embarks on feelings that I usually don't feel. Which in itself, is STRANGE. It's perfectly strange, and I love it all the same.
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