The thrill of the [ C h a s e ] ♥

As I was driving earlier, I decided to listen to Usher's album Raymond vs. Raymond, because I hadn't listened to it in a while. If you've never checked it out, I strongly recommend it. I love it. Anyway, as I was driving, I kept replaying one track over and over, 'She don't know' track number 5. This is the song that inspired this post.
She don't know that she makin' me want her, (Yeah.)She don't know. Usher
No more she tryna keep me from her.
She don't know that she makin' me me love her, (yeah.)
No more she tryna keep me from her.
What is it about the chase, that's so thrilling? I've always had a thing for guys that didn't want me. This sounds bad, but its true. I think why I enjoyed this, was because honestly a lot of guys want me. Okay that sounds horrible, but I'd say I'm attractive, may not be the prettiest in the world, but I'm easy on the eyes. So when someone, doesn't fall head over heels for me, at first, it's intriguing. It's damn right refreshing! What I mean, is the guys that know everyone wants them. So their not as easy to conquer as the ones, that would kiss the ground I walk on. This isn't just me, this is everyone. Everyone loves the 'playing hard to get' person, over the 'so easy a cave man could do it' one. The question is why? I honestly enjoy the pursuit more then the conquering. It's weird, it's actually quite sick, but once I know that I was able to 'win' them over in a sense, the fun disappears.
Everybody's like, "He's no item! Please don't like him.
He don't wife 'em, he one nights 'em!"
Now she don't like him, she never met him
'You may not want me NOW, but boy, I'm gonna wear you DOWN' How many of us, have gone after the guy/girl, that everyone 'talks' about. You know, the one who has a history of being a player, the one who's almost impossible to tame, yet you think otherwise. Don't be shy, because if you say you have never been attracted to the guy/girl, that EVERYONE wanted, then I'd say you're a damn liar. If this we're the case people like Trey Songz, and Amber Rose wouldn't be idolized the way they are. Sure, their celebrities, but the idea is still the same. Imagine the hottest guy/girl in your neighborhood, how did they make you feel? How did the idea of being the person who actually got this majorly wanted person, excite you? I'll speak for myself. I was the girl, that always had to prove to myself that I could get the guy, that everyone wanted. It doesn't matter, this is the truth. This was me, in a nutshell. I'll honestly say, having the person that EVERYONE knows/wants, is NOT always a good thing. The same reasons you want them, are the same reason's you should stay away. I will repeat this old rule. A person is NOT going to change, unless they are READY to. WE do not control that, and yes, there is one female that changes EVERY guy, but we also have to accept the fact, that we WILL not always be that girl. Our guy/girl is out there, but along the way to him/her, we're going to meet a few others. It's important to realize the difference.

Golden days If we think back to what are in the story books, it's always a prince, and a damsel in distress. Someone that needs this 'oh so strong, prince' to come rescue her. The prince usually has to fight whoever the antagonist is in the story. Whether it's an evil stepmother, dragons, etc. No matter who it may be, there are obstacles that he must face, before he is able to stand in front of his soon to be princess. So what does this mean? This simply means, that from the time we are old enough to understand, we are taught that the chase is how it's supposed to work. The prince must face trials and tribulations to get to his princess. Yet, after going through it all, he is able to live 'happily ever after' with her. So has this chase been instilled in us? We are animals, and one of the main things animals possess is a natural need to hunt. In a sense, we can look at the dating game, as our own jungle of hunting.
He's chasing HER, you're chasing HIM, who's chasing YOU? Sure we all enjoy the chase, but what happens if you're chasing someone, who's clearly interested in someone else? This is GOING to happen to everyone, at least ONCE. I'm sorry to say, but even the prettiest person in the world, has experienced heartache. It's what makes us human, it's how we learn what we do and don't want. What we need, and what we deserve. If you know the guy you're 'chasing' is going after someone else, you have to gracefully bow out, because no matter how hard you try you'll never be the one. I know that sounds harsh, but it's just reality. You know I'd never lie to you guys, I've been through it ALL. I try my best to tell it like it is, because of the experiences I've been through. I HAVE been the girl, chasing the guy, who's chasing someone else. All while never realizing, no one was chasing me. Sure we all have done our share of chasing, but it's important that the person you're chasing, is equally chasing you back. It makes the chase worth while, it makes it fun, because you both are trying to wear each other down, not someone else.
I no longer chase ANYONE. There's no need. I have grown past it, and until I really find the one I'm supposed to be with, I'll continue to chase my tequila with limes. ;) until next time!
Want me to address anything? Please feel free to email me at Thanks in advance!!
real eclectic post, I love ya style. There is an allure to the chase, and the process of getting to know someone is real fun. When it comes to relationship matters, things are black n white, and your emotions make things a bit gray, if you take things for what they are and remain logical you can save yourself a lot of disappointment