What If?

Everybody's talking all this stuff about meMy Prerogative -Britney Spears Version
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission, make my own decisions
That's my prerogative
why can't I live my life
without all of the things
That people say
oh oh
But, I can tell that you're watching meRumors- Lindsay Lohan
And your probably gonna write what you didn't see
Well I just need a little space to breathe
Can you please respect my privacy?
Why can't you just let me do the things I wanna do?
I just wanna be me, I don't understand why
Would you wanna bring me down
I'm only having fun, I'm gonna live my life
(But not the way that you want me to)
I'm tired of rumors starting, I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying, saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me? Why can't they let me live?
I'm gonna do it my way, take this for just what it is
As I went through my emails today, I received one that I found extremely interesting. Yet, this isn't the first time I've received something like this. I'll call it, hmm a 'reporter' type of email. You know, the emails filled with "why don't you tell everyone how much of a whore you really are" "why don't you stop pretending to be something you're not". Thing's along those lines. I don't want to send the wrong message across. I AM NOT PERFECT. I hope NONE, of you confuse this blog, with me trying to convey that to you. I have made A lot of mistakes. A lot that have my persona, or reputation, less then flattering. I'm here to tell you, I don't care.
If you're anything like me. Someone who's WHOLE life has been centered around rumors (even before I joined the world of intimacy). I'm here to tell you, screw them.
What if I actually allowed words to bother me? I would have been suicidal along time ago.
What if I actually allowed my past, to dictate the way my future is going to go? I'd be a shame to myself.
I am NOT ASHAMED, of who I am. I am NOT ASHAMED, of my mistakes. I am NOT ASHAMED that people talk about me. People will always talk, the real revenge is knowing that you're becoming better then you used to be.
YES. I HAVE degraded my self in the past. BUT I'm NOT now. People can talk about me, until their blue in the face, because as I've mentioned a few posts before, this blog isn't, and WILL NEVER be about the people who can't let go of my past. This blog is about the people, who send me messages saying how much they enjoy my blog. It's for my friend's and family. It's for ME.
I write, to cleanse myself. I write to inspire. I write to motivate. I write to help people, who have walked the same paths I have, or similar. I write because, I'm good at it.
I DO NOT write to please others.
I DO NOT write for validation.
I DO NOT write because I have to. I write because I WANT TO.
Thank you to everyone that continues to read my blog. It means more then you know. I even thank those, that hate me, despise me, and wish nothing more but to see me fail. Keep watching! Watch what I'm about to do. ;)
Stay tuned :-D!
such a shame.....in life you have to realize some things arent always mistakes..at some point you are old enough right from wrong and good from bad...sleeping around and becoming a whore before the legal age to drink isnt a mistake....ruining other people lives to try and make yourself happy is not a mistake...and realizing that its not you NOW is cause you dont have the opportunity to do it...
ReplyDeletebeing ashamed, that you should be...as a female some things cannot be reversed no mater how bad you plead and expaling to society how you changed...its sad but the world doesnt work like that...if this blog is for family and "friends" then hey they are probably the only people that have no choice but to accept the things you have done...
to the others that dont know her, enjoy the fairytale im sure there is plenty more to come ;)
To the comment above... It funny that u seem to really really have allot of time on your hands... that you have to make sure to bring others down with your negative comments...
ReplyDeleteKeep them to yourself... NO ONE CARES FOR THEM!!!
Life is life... Whether you learn lesson when your 12 or 50 there is always time for change... this is something that I think you should look into because this is not cute for you to be doing...
So for anyone who reads the above comment and even thinks for a second to give that any validation... I have known Ariel since she was 4 years old... I come from a family where I was drinking since I was very young so you’re right that is not a mistake... I more than anyone know that Ariel is a talented, smart, and beautiful person on the inside and like anyone else she makes mistake and like anyone else she learns from them...
That is all I will say but I had to say something to let you know that people care about Ariel and you will not be allow nor will you ever even hurt her a little by your comments...
We laugh at them :-D
i was browsing and thought i would but my input in this....
ReplyDeletei see where both parties are coming from and i have read some of the blog ariel has written. but i have to agree to disagree...
nechia obviously this is your friend so you will back her up but at the end of the day right is right and wrong is wrong...
i noticed that ariel has basically said a million times the "she is not perfect"..news flash no one is....the comment above i dont think was negative it was just an opinion besides she wants feedback and for other of people who know her how ever they got to know her if thru sex, drugs, crime, school etc she can't be upset of the image she has put into others head.
learning from your mistakes means that you dont repeat them right? well obviously that isnt the case with her situation. for you to say someone has alot of time on their hand so do you for commenting after that person even if you though it was ignorant and so does ariel for blogging!
i do agree with that person this world if screwed up and as a female some things you cant change no matter how much you feel and think you have learned from your mistakes. obviouosly im a middle person and knew about things she has done and thats how i got to this blog but deeper than that it hard to be accpeted and/or forgiven when you do things that arent acceptable. obvioulsy she is talented by looking at some of the things that she rights but we ALL know she has made stupid mistakes that will cause people to always remember the WRONG because thats just how this world is..its messed up but it is what it is...
This will be the last comment I make on this matter. I have addressed the above comment, when she/he wrote to me in my email. I don't mind any of the opinions that anyone has of me, and YOU'RE BOTH RIGHT. When people do things, that are negative, they're remembered for that. Does that mean, their not capable of changing? I'd sure hope not. If that we're the case, no one would make it any where. I don't expect anyone to ever let me live, but one thing I will not do, is care about the people who will continue to speak about me.
ReplyDeleteI started this blog, for my own growth. People can critize, judge, look down, speak ill, and I'm still going to live my life. I appreciate each comment, whether its negative or postive, because no matter what, you're still worrying about MY LIFE. I wish I could say the same, but I truly can't. I appreciate the fact, that you've all taken the time out, to write to me, means a lot. Oh and to the person above, you said you we're going to pray for me. I will tell you, please keep your prayers. If you've read the bible, you should know, GOD doesn't judge, and because you do, I'd rather not have YOU pray for me. "He without sin, cast the first stone". My life is MY LIFE. I KNOW, WHAT I'VE DONE, I KNOW WHAT I HAVEN'T. At the end of the day, ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME. I hope you all continue to have wonderful lives, but as I mentioned before, this will be the LAST time I address this. If you all want to continue to write, so be it. Thanks again.