What's LOVE got to do with it?

L o v e will NOT pay the bills. Nor will, it pay for my Maserati, my huge 4 story house, my multi-poo, and whatever else I want. The point is, it just will NOT pay for it.
'I've got this ICE-BOX where my ♥ used to be.' My heart is numb. In a good way though. I am open to love, when the TIME IS RIGHT. That time, is NOT NOW. This is the time for me to stay focused. To put ME first. It's the time for me to be selfish for once. It's time for me, to take ME out, to all the places, I'll be having a HIM take me. It's time for me, to plant the seeds, for my career, and to ensure that their growing as their supposed to. It's just ME time. When you're in a relationship, you of course are STILL living for YOU, but now, you have someone elses feelings to take into consideration. Take it how you want, but I don't want to consider anyones feelings for a while.
To all my readers out there, love is wonderful, but not when you're centering your whole life around it. Remember it's important to still have your own identity.
When you're in a relationship, sometimes it adds to losing focus. Maybe not for everyone, but sometimes it does for me. I can still remain on task, but there will be times when I would rather hang out with my significant other, then take care of what needs to be done. I think when you're 100% where you're supposed to be, it won't matter if you're in a relationship or not. You'll stay on top of your A game, and also stay on top of your relationship.
NOTE: I also think women, as a whole, have trouble putting themselves first, as well as men do. If a man has something to take care of, it doesn't matter what you want to do. He makes sure he gets what NEEDS to be done FIRST, before enjoying what he WANTS (of course there are EXCEPTIONS to every rule). This is just my opinion, but women, will put off what they have to do, for their man. This probably goes back, to what we as a gender have been taught. The woman, tends to her 'man', while the guy goes out, and provides for his 'woman' and family. Well it's about to be 2011, it's time for us, women to realize, OUR goals, are just as important as our MANS.
Stress. . relationships are stressful. If I have an argument, it bothers me. I get all upset, and it clouds my creative flow. It just messes it all up. So, I refuse to allow it to at this present moment.
Honestly, WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT?! When I think about healthy relationships, then Love's got A LOT to do with it. BUT, when we think of relationships, that are in a sense comparable to a prison, then what the hell does it have to do with anything?
I was talking to this guy, sometime last week, and we we're discussing how 'his' woman would have to be. I must tell you, I felt strongly about certain things that we're said. Not because, I want to be HIS WOMAN, because I don't, but just because of how much control he wanted to have over her. She would have to cover her whole body, including her hair, she could not drink, like not even the healthy glass of red wine at dinner. Forget about it, because she can't do it. She also could not hang out with her friend's if they we're going to be drinking, and going out, with them, even once in a while, would be cut. So, I sat, and listened, while thinking, this sounds more like a dictatorship, then a relationship.
When I get married, if I decide to, I don't mind catering to my husband, if my time permits it. (Laughing) Just kidding. But truthfully, I don't. Being a wife, means in the eyes of GOD, you become one. You trade the I's for the We's. Which is fine, BUT, yes, there is a but. I will NOT, be feeling like my husband controls me. No one, will ever control me. Honestly, who likes that? As far as drinking goes, I think everything in moderation is OK. Everyone is raised to have different belief's, and sometimes along the way, we study and choose our own belief's aside from what we we're taught, which is all fine.
The best relationships are those that allow you to grow in the direction you need to, while being a positive person to support you, and let you know when something you're doing is detrimental to your well being.
I love, love. BUT I'm not ready for it. I need to become the woman, for the type of MAN I deserve. I want to have all my shit in order, so that he knows, he cannot slack. He will have to feel like, he needs to be on his P'S & Q's when it comes to his life, because of how well I have mine in order. You cannot ask for a 10 (Career, Great looks, intellectual, protective, all around amazing) if you yourself aren't a 10. A pretty face will NOT, cut it, if you have nothing else going for yourself.
So the next time, you're so pressed to be someones 'HIM or HER' honestly ask yourself, what do you have going for yourself? Are you truly happy with the place you're in, in your life? How could you be better? Finding the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with, is about finding someone to COMPLIMENT your life; Not MAKE your life.
If you're still pursuing your dreams, still pursing you're degree, still climbing the ladder to success, take your time on love. It will come. Keep your eyes on the prize, because at the end of the day, LOVE isn't going to pay the bills, when you've slacked off because of how in love you were.
Because I haven't hit the pinnacles I plan to reachDrake- Aston Martin Music
Yeah, you gotta own it if you want it
Truth be told, I haven't hit the pinnacles I plan to REACH. I need time, to do all I want to do, because only then can I devote myself to love. So, until I do, 'What's love got to do with it?'
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