I rock. So do you :)

"We are never satisfied with our own."-Terence
Cheesy name? Well it's how I feel. Last night BET, made me smile, for the first time in A LONG TIME. Their showing of 'Black Girls Rock' was not only motivational, but it was overdue.
As a whole, my race, the black race, spends too much time, trying to bring each other down. Let that sink in. Has it? Think about it again. This is the truth in it's entirety, and it's about time we speak on it.
It is no secret, that we are the minority. We have been forever. Blacks make up 12.9% of America, whereas, White's make up 79.6%. Yet, out of the 12% how many do you really know, that are doing something positive? How many of our people do you know, that still blame others, or 'the man' for why their in the place that they are. My generation, of my race, honestly makes me sick. If we think back to our ancestors, and slavery, look how much they endured. As a whole, black people have come a long way. Now we have role models, that look like us. We have an African American president, who is a representation of how far we've come. Our ancestors, that are still living, can finally feel like THEY accomplished something. Martin Luther King Jr. even in his grave, can feel like the day he made the 'I have a Dream' speech, he accomplished something.
BUT. Can WE? Can my peers feel the same? Should they feel the same? When the only things that are important to them, is who's got on the most expensive clothes? He said, she said gossip? Rather speak ill of each other, then try and unite, and make something positive happen.
In the year 1966, the emergence of the Black Power Movement, which lasted roughly from 1966 to 1975, enlarged the aims of the Civil Rights Movement to include racial dignity, economic and political self-sufficiency, and freedom from oppression by white Americans.
Some, may still feel we are oppressed, and I'll agree to a certain extent. Racism still exists, there's no doubt about that. But, can we continue to blame white America for where we're at in our current life? No. We cannot. We can't when we have black people who are successful. We can no longer blame anyone, but ourselves for where we're at today. Did Oprah? Did Will Smith? Did Barack Obama? Did Reverend Jessie Jackson? Did Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison? George Washington Carver? Mark Dean? The list can go on. The answer still remains the same. None of them did, and quite frankly, they've all seen way harder times then any of us are experiencing. Yet they knew, that if they wanted to be successful, no one was going to see to it, but themselves. If we even go back as far to the black power movement. Black people united as a whole, to fight for something they all believed in. There will always be power in numbers. They stood together, rather then apart.

Today, we are the race, that fights each other, kills each other, degrades each other. Today we are the race, who truly didn't live through the hardest times of our race, but feel that we have, and blame everyone else for our shortcomings. We're the race, that would rather focus on someones past, instead of helping each other, to have a prosperous future. Today we're the race, that on Nov 2nd, 2010, only 4.7% of us went out to vote. That's less then half. Today we're the race, that if we want to be completely honest, has allowed our ancestors to fight for all the resources we have today, that we do not take advantage of. Black men up until 1865 we're not allowed to vote, and women not until 1920, and now that we have the opportunity to, less then half, did. What does this say about us?
Black Girls Rock set out to inspire, to motivate, and to let black females, and blacks as a whole that, they too, can be whoever they want to be. We're strong, we're beautiful, we're smart, and if we want it badly enough, we can do anything we set our minds too.
98% of the countries wealth, is controlled by 4% of the population.Only 26 percent of African-American middle-class families have the combination of assets, education, sufficient income, and health insurance to ensure middle-class financial security. Even more alarming, 95 percent of African-American middle class families do not have enough net assets to meet three-quarters of their essential living expenses for even three months if their source of income were to disappear. This figure is well above the national average among all middle-class families of 78 percent.BlackDemographics.com
Those numbers, are alarming, their sad, but most of all, it's the extreme truth. How many people do you know, have a savings account? How many people do you know, invest in stocks? or know anything about the market? How many people do you know, own any property? Our country is built on credit, how many people do you know, honestly have good credit? Don't live pay check to pay check? Wear expensive designers, that they cannot afford? Still live at home with their parent's yet, have Louis, Fendi, Gucci,Christian Louboutin etc, but no car, no real money, for a rainy day. It's sad, but again it's the truth. I want all of the above, but it's also important for me to have a house, with a walk in closet to put all of it in. It's more important for my money to be making money, before I go out, and spend. It's more important that I have no school loans, instead of going to drop $1900 on those Louboutin's I want. It's just more important. I have to plan for my future, for my future children's future. My grand children's. I have to plan for later on. We all have to think about the later days, because if we don't all we'll have to show for ourselves, is nice clothes, that eventually go out of season.
WE need to wake up, and realize, that we are killing each other off, and giving people ammunition, against us. We're shaming our ancestors. We have, to find a way, to come together. For instance, in the case, of the negative comments I received on my 'What if' post, instead of saying helpful, positive things, they'd rather focus on what negatives I've done. This is black society today. I love my race, I even have the utmost love for those commentators, as weird as that may be, I have to. Why? because I want to be someone that helps others. I want my race, I want my little sisters, and little cousins, and all the future generations to know, that no matter their circumstance, they can do what ever, they want, and I'll be the person that supports them. Black Girls rock completely inspired me, it instilled what I already knew. It created a platform, for everyone to see, that there's still a strong, united group of us out there. We have to get it together. We need more black lawyers, doctors, teachers, activist's, writers, film directors, producers, we just need more. It's our time, to stand up, and prove to our ancestors, that they did not fight in vain. All the pain, and turmoil that they dealt with, so that WE TODAY, could have the outlets to do anything we want, was not a waste of time. I'll always be everyone's biggest supporter. It doesn't matter how many mistakes you've made, how many wrongs, you've done. Everyone, can be who they want to be, if they work hard enough. I'm here to say, I am going to stop at nothing, to make it on that list of most successful Black Americans. It's my goal, it's what I'm going to achieve, because I rock, and so do you!
If anyone has anything to address, or would like to start a forum where we can all unite, to make something positive happen, email me whosthatgiirl@gmail.com
Disclaimer: I speak for anyone, blacks, whites, hispanics, green people, everyone. I do not discriminate.
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