Hope Your Hungry.

“It's a test of ultimate will.The heartbreak climb uphill.Got to pick up the pace.If you want to stay in the race.More than just blind ambition.More than just simple greed.More than just a finish line.Must feed this burning need”.
I just got home, from a 2 hour work out. One hour of cardio, and one hour of the hardest work outs, I do twice a week. This class is called body pump. It works out your whole body, that consists of squats, triceps, biceps, shoulders, chest, back, abs, etc. If you're currently attending the gym, I urge you all to try and find this class. It is amazing, it's rejuvenating, but most of all it's hard work.
As I was struggling, but pushing my self, to fight past the burn, I thought about you all. I thought about this blog, and I thought about this post. How I would write it, what I would say, but most of all, how I would get you all to feel the same way I did, when I walked out of that hour class, drenched in my sweat.
I am so HUNGRY for SUCCESS it's outrageous. I've been waking up at 430 every morning, to do something I don't have to do, yet I feel that I DO. WHY? simply because I want to become so physically fit, I can do all the things, men think they need to do for me. It's important to be in shape, because it leads to a healthier life, and it honestly makes you feel better about yourself.
I was attending one of my personal training sessions, when my trainer told me the most insightful analogy. This actually changed my outlook on a lot. She said, "think of your body as a car. Imagine if you we're only going to have this one car for the rest of your life. What would you do? You would treat it like gold, and take care of it, making sure nothing bad happened to it. Because, you know that it will be the only car you receive. This car is your body. You only have one body, and it's up to us to treat it the way it should be treated." I thought about it, and since then, I've been on a work out frenzy lol.It's all about strengthening my discipline.
You have to be so hungry for success, that it's all you think about. You have to eat, breathe, sleep, and dream success. When you wake up in the morning, the first thought should be about the tasks that need to be done, that works toward whatever endeavor it is you want. It should also be the last thing you think about before you go to sleep.
Cut the bullshit. Excuse my language, but it needs to be put as bluntly as possible. Anything that will distract you, get rid of it. If you allow distractions around you, it is only a matter of time, before they do just that; DISTRACT YOU.
THERE IS NO ROOM FOR LAZINESS, WHEN IT COMES TO SUCCESS. The early bird will ALWAYS catch the worm. If you're a late sleeper, I suggest you know that your competition isn't. Your competition, is so hungry, so driven, and so determined, that they've passed you three times, while you're still fighting to keep up. I always think about my competition. I think about them so much, that it makes me work harder. I know there's a million and one people that want the same things I want. Realistically we won't all make it, so what will I do to make sure I stand out? I'll work as hard as I can, and then push past even that.
DON'T SET LIMITS. Set GOALS. Limit's prevent you from achieving more than you thought you could. Push past that. You're strong, you're determined and the only thing that beats determination, is the actual achievement. Either way, determination= achievement. Set GOALS, because it gives you something to focus all of you're drive on. Remember, you can achieve, ANYTHING you set your mind to. If you work better with someone cheering you on, remember, I'm your biggest supporter! We're in this together :)
I walked out of that class, and all of the classes I attend, for that matter, feeling extremely proud of myself. I had to. I completely pushed myself, past anything I ever thought I could do, and it honestly opened my eyes to all that I CAN do. I used to hate waking up early, and now I wake up SUPER early. It just doesn't feel right sleeping past 4:30, when I know I can be working out. It doesn't feel right saying I want to reach this goal, when I'm still in bed. When I get to the gym at 5am, the parking lot would be considered packed for that time. These are the people I want to be among. The people who know, that hard work pays off, and success has no time. So yes, to some it may be too early, but to my competition, it's too late. The one's who find it too early, are not the people I'm up against. I'm up against the one's who have stayed up all night, and morning, determined not to sleep, until they've finished all they have to.
I hope you all are as inspired as I am. I want success for all of you, because I believe in you all. I believe in my generation, I believe in my race, I believe in my minorities, I believe in my women, I believe in my men. I just believe that if you want it bad enough, and work just as hard, you'll receive it all ten fold. Keep your eyes on the prize. Stay determined. Stay Driven. Push yourself to exceed all the limit's you think you can't surpass. Remember your competition, because their certainly thinking of you. Most of all, breathe success. In the end, I just hope you're hungry. I know I am :).
P.S If anyone is just starting back in the gym, here's my schedule. Maybe you can take on the same one! Let me know how it goes!!
Mon, Wed, Fri= 5:30-6:30am Cycling + 1hr of Weight lifting + Abs
Tue + SAT = 5:00am-6:00am Body Pump + 1hr Of Cardio
Thursday= 5:00am-6:00 am Yoga+ 30min of Cardio+ Weight lifting
Sat && Sun are optional. If you follow the strict MON-FRI schedule. Hope you guys enjoy!!
I want to hear from you! EMAIL ME: WHOSTHATGIIRL@GMAIL.COM
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