It goes ON.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”Dr Wayne Dyer
Life goes ON. It has to, because that's the way life is. I sometimes think back to when I was younger, and how many times I felt that it was the end of the world, because of whatever crisis I was going through at the time. Yet here I am, STILL. Everyone is facing their own struggles, and we have two choices. We can either let it defeat us, or we can fight to stand up, and do what we're DESTINED to do.
I was talking to a friend on the phone, and he was sharing his life struggle with me.I appreciate all my friends, especially in their struggles. They give me insight on experiences, I have YET to face. I say yet, because his mother passed away, almost a year ago.
Death is inevitable. Unfortunately each one of us, will have to lose someone close to us at some point in our life. How you deal with that loss, determines how well you'll get up, when you fall. I have not experienced a loss so traumatic, but I DO EMPATHIZE with anyone going through it. It takes a GREAT DEAL OF STRENGTH, and courage, to get through the loss of any parent, and knowing how close I am to my mother, I can only imagine how anyone going through such a great lost would feel. BUT. If, God Forbid, it did happen to me, I would lament passionately, and take it a day at a time. I would pray for strength, guidance and patience, to make it to the next day. I would write, I would cry, I would even scream. I would do anything, and everything that I needed, to make me feel better. Then when I was done, I would do something that would would not only make me FEEL better, but that would make ME better.
The bad news is, that you NEVER get over the death of a parent. When I write post's, I like to speak to people, that have gone through the same things I'm writing about. This way, you're getting my view's incorporated with somethings that we're said, that took my writing in another direction. My uncle lost his mother when he was 37, and as we we're discussing the actual experience; even at 58, 21 years later he still gets chocked up when he talks about her. It's normal to have better days than others. Its also natural to have days, that you beg to end, because you don't think you'll make it through. What I want all of you to realize though, is that YOU DO MAKE IT. Feel proud, that you make it through each day.
To any of my readers, that are facing the same struggle as my friend, the only advice I can truly give you is to take it a day at a time. Remember the value's and morals that your parents instilled in you, and make sure you live as they would want you to. Grieve as long as you want, but use that grief as ammunition, to make your parents proud. That's what they would want.
“It's not how many times you fall that matters, it's how many time you get back up.”
I have learned so much, from turmoil.From failing, over, and over again. The beauty in my failures, is that I keep TRYING. I have to, because if I wallow in self-pity, life will roll right over me, and continue. If you remember, that life goes on, and as bad as it seems, it can ALWAYS GET WORSE. Use your flaws, weaknesses, mistakes, struggles, closed doors, whatever it may be, use it to your advantage.
Let IT GO. Move ON.I used to be so attached to people. So, when friendships would end, it literally, broke me down inside. NOW. It doesn't. Sure, I still get hurt by it, BUT, I don't feel so broken up about it. I now have really accepted that, some people come into your life for seasons. To teach lessons, you MUST learn, and I will always appreciate them for that. Life GOES ON.
It's good, to trust, and believe in people, but never get so attached, that when someone hurts you, you can't move on from those feelings. Everyone changes, the person you thought would never do you wrong a year ago, this year turns around and does the unthinkable. It's the cycle of life, because we as people, have to grow in different directions. Sometimes those directions are good, and sometimes there not. Either way, give people the room to walk their own paths, even if those paths don't lead to you.
In saying this, I realize that I sometimes forget to appreciate all the good.
Not EVERYONE is out to get YOU. Be guarded, but remain true to yourself. Trust those, that have proven that they DESERVE YOUR TRUST. Love, because it's good for you. Cry because it heals. Work hard for what you want, because it leads to SUCCESS. Dream, because it keeps your eyes on the prize. Stay focused, driven, and determined, and I promise you'll make it.
Remember, life goes ON. If you do nothing, everyone around you, will STILL be moving forward. It's up to you, to take advantage of the never ending truth of life and it going on.
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