I was reading one of my favorite blogs that I follow (Ellathought, she's amazing) and it reminded me that I have not updated since November began. I haven't updated since October 28th, and quite frankly that's unacceptable. These past 5 days have been hectic. I was preparing for my first exam, in my Human Sexuality class (I aced it btw!) while also meeting my deadlines for my online Business English class, & in the midst of all of that, I was outlining goals that I must accomplish in the upcoming months.
Write, until you can't anymore. It's important to keep to do list, outlining the goals you want to accomplish. It keeps your mind on task, and allows you to stay on course. No matter what stage you're in, when it comes to writing, it doesn't matter. Keep a list, and EVERYDAY you write a new one. Check them off, as you complete them. Write until, there's nothing more to do. Then when you've finally realized that there's always more to do, write again. We are the captains of our lives, and it's time that we start steering ourselves in the directions we desperately want to go in.
Complete first draft of book, by end of January.
Lose 10-15 pounds by the end of the month.
These are some of the things that are on my current to do list. Both are extremely important, and MUST be accomplished. When I started this blog, I wasn't sure of the direction I wanted to go in. Sure, I wanted to share who I was, but along the way, it also became very important for me to vocalize who I'm becoming. I've expressed some of my aspirations, and you all know acting happens to be one. Well, I've been on the road to making that come true, so the second goal is to ensure I am 100% happy with the appearance everyone will be seeing.
WHO'S THAT GIRL? This blog, has grown tremendously in such a short time span. I STILL can't believe sometimes how many people enjoy it, and look for updates. In my realization of that, my first goal was written. I've mentioned that it has always been a goal of mine to publish a book, but I have let the world's longest writer's block defeat that journey. I am so fortunate to say, you guys have awaken it. I'm on the road to successfully starting it, and my goal is to have completed my first draft by the end of January. I will remain consistent with my blog updates, because you guys mean so much to me. Please continue to email me, send texts, tweets, fb's, what have you, & I will always be sure to respond! Look for more updates..
email me whosthatgiirl@gmail.com any topic you want addressed, or any advice I'm always available!
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