Pink Friday ♥

As long as they understand that I'm fighting for the girls never thought they can win.Cause before they could begin you told them it was the end.But I am here to reverse the curse that they live inI'm The Best Nicki Minaj
I usually don't use my blog, to speak about the entertainment industry. BUT, anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE ME SOME NICKI. I am not being bias when I say this next statement, but, I LOVE PINK FRIDAY. Each track, has inspired a posting, or some thoughts. I do not dislike not one track. The anticipation was worth it. Nicki has let us in, to who she is, and I am only looking forward to finding out more.
Nicki Minaj, for the most part, has taken mainstream to the next level. She is a true representation, of an 'entertainer'. From her witty lines, animations, and barbie movement, it's hard not to have her grow on you. I fell in love ever since my dear friend Mel, put me on. I remember it like it was yesterday. Driving to A.C, and listening to Nicki blasting from her speakers, as she imitated her voice in [Itty Bitty Piggy]. After that weekend, I literally went home, and downloaded every last song. Since then, I have grown to LOVE her.
Aside from the fan standpoint, I respect her, because she speaks for females. The barbie movement, is much more then what is sounds like. She encourages her females to stand strong, and to fall in love with their grind.
"I'm fighting for the girls that never thought they could win." When I heard this line, I immediately had to bring it back, and replay it. Yes! How could I not get inspired to post about it. She's fighting for the same girls I'm fighting for. Of course, she has a much bigger audience then I do. We have to start somewhere, right? Anyway, as I've mentioned time and time again, I started this blog, for those girls, that have made so many mistakes, that they just feel like life has defeated them. I know your struggle. I've lived it. I'm LIVING IT. I believe in us. I believe that we CAN, turn things around, and prove to all the people that think we'll never amount to anything, that we turned our negatives into positives.
I've always loved how pictures we're made. The really great pictures develop from negatives. So think, of yourself in the same way. It doesn't matter the paths you've taken. It matters more, how you go about improving them.
I'm fighting for anyone in the struggle. The struggle with yourself. The struggle to make smarter choices. I'm fighting for myself. I'm fighting for the girl I was. I'm fighting for the woman, I know I can be. I'm fighting.
I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
to fly
paint they own pictures than they crop me in
but I will remain where the top begins
cause I am not a word, I am not a line
I am not a girl that can every be defined
I am not fly, I am levitation
I represent an entire generation
Nicki' may NOT be the best, but she worked hard to be where she is. She knows how it is, to be a black female, trying to be someone, everyone tells you, you CAN'T BE. She's not my role model, but I respect her. I was hesitant at first, but just like Kim paved the way for her, she's paving the way for us. Be positive, encourage others, inspire, motivate. Be talented. Be you.
She's growing into her own. Pinkfriday! ♥
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