Thankful ♥

Happy Thanksgiving guys!! I hope everyone, is blessed to spend this day with those that matter most to them.
Thanksgiving, has always been one of my favorite holidays. It actually takes #1, before christmas, and EVEN MY BIRTHDAY. Yes, it's that serious. Beside's the wonderful assortments of food, that you have to wait until thanksgiving to consume, all at once, it's the actual family aspect of it. It's the meaning behind the reasons we have to be thankful. It's about going through hard times all year, and looking forward to the one day, when everyone gets together, to celebrate life. It's about knowing that even as we walk alone, that there are those, that wish us well all year round, and walk silently behind us. That is your family.
I have a HUGE, family, and thanksgiving was always the holiday that we came together. I still can see all my older cousins, and aunt, playing an intense game of spades. I am the youngest out of the oldest grandkids, so I was never truly taught.(*Ari shrug*) Anyway, my grandmother's house was always packed, with family, friends who became family, it was just so much love in the air. I miss this.I haven't had this experience in almost 3 years, because my family is scattered now.
Thanksgiving is the holiday I look forward to, because I look forward to seeing my family. I look forward to being around my older cousins, my aunts, my grandmother. I look forward to the endless laughs, the huge plates of food I swear I'm going to finish, yet never do. I just look forward to it all.
2010 Thanksgiving, I will NOT, be spending it at home. This makes me sad, but, I am STILL thankful. Whenever you get sad, think of all that you truly have to be thankful for. I may not be spending it, where I would love to, but I am still spending it with family. Family that I love, family that has been kind, and welcoming to me. Family that has seen hard times with me, yet has never judged me. Thanksgiving is about being thankful, for all that you have, and spending it with the ones that you love.
I am thankful for life.
I am thankful for my health.
I am thankful for my wonderful family, who has gone to the end of the earth for me.
I am thankful that I am not spending thanksgiving in a hospital bed, or a jail cell.
I am thankful for my friends, who have stuck with me thus far. You all mean so much to me.
I am thankful for this blog, and for all my readers.
I am just thankful. I am becoming a much more appreciative person. This was the year, I learned how much I used to take for granted. Do not just use today, to tell everyone, that you're thankful for them. Be thankful each day. Appreciate the truth, that God allowed you to see another day. Think of the less fortunate, and if you can, help them. There are people who have it worse then we do.
Be compassionate. Be Genuine. Be Kind. Be Helpful. Be Giving. Be Thankful.
Wishing you all a happy holidays, with lot's of love, from yours truly! I am of course, so thankful for you all :)
I love you so much ari I too miss those days. But we have so much else to look forward to. Wishing you were hear aunt Tisa