Me against the WORLD.

'How can I go on, when everyone is against me? she asked.' I started writing to cleanse my soul, but more than anything, to filter out everyone elses thoughts. I started writing, when I was in a place, I thought I'd never get out of. I continued writing, because through my words, and my truth, I was able to reach, and inspire an audience.
'Don't let anyone make you feel like you're not focused.' I responded. I've spent so much time, concerned with the outside view's, that when approached by someone doing the same, my only response was, the above. A lot of time, we all need someone to reassure us, that we're doing the right thing; someone to let us know our efforts don't go unnoticed. I need this truth to be understood: they're will be times, that it feels like, it's you against the WHOLE world, and no matter how much you know you're working towards the betterment of yourself, everyone will make you feel like you're not. When this happens, I need you to remember, it does NOT matter. Rome was NOT built in a day; there were days I'm sure, they wanted to give up, but they didn't, and I need you to do the same.
"I think you're amazing. You work two jobs, with one day off, and even then it's not a day off, because you're a full time mother. You have amazing goals, that I know you will achieve. Don't let anyone tell you different, because I think you're great." I said in the most reassuring voice. My cousin is ONE of my idols, and she is the reason I'm even writing this post. All these statements are from our conversation. This is exactly what was said to me, as well as what was said to her. I am the same way with her, that I am with you all. I tell her, how I honestly feel, while also letting her know, that I believe in her. I know how it feels, to be alone. I know how it feels to be striving for more, and everyone trying to prevent you from reaching it. I also know, that if not reassured, if not told 'I believe in you', by at least one person, it can sometimes wear thin on your esteem, if everyone else is against you. So, I am that person, for her, for you, for anyone I believe in, because I believe in us.
I believe in talented people. I believe in driven people. I believe in those, who are helping themselves. I believe, because sometimes it's reassuring to know that someone else believes in you, just as much as you do
There have been one too many times, I've felt like it was me against the world. You've all read about it, and I'm sure we've all been there. I'm here to tell everyone, keep pushing. I'm taking everyday one day at a time, and no matter what, I will NOT give up. I can't because you guys inspire me. The messages I receive telling me, how I was able to lift spirits is a huge reason I keep pushing forward. I know I am better than my circumstances, and so are all of you. It doesn't matter what you're going through, what's happened, what's happening. It's all TEMPORARY, so keep your heads up, and know that no matter what, I relate to it all. There are times to this day, that I find myself getting down in the dumps, then I remember life is GREAT, because I was blessed enough to be able to WAKE UP. Thank God, and count your blessings.
I love you all. I promise.
i believe in ya kiddo