Healing Through Hair ♥

I recently went to Atlanta, which I'll say was one of the best trips I've ever taken for WORK. I recently, got offered the best job offer of my life. I am actively working as a PR consultant, for my role model, my inspiration; my sister J. Not only, am I doing something I LOVE, but the reason I really took the job, was for one reason.
HEALING THROUGH HAIR How many people have ever considered hair, more than superficial? As more than just what's on top of our heads? Hair, for some isn't important, whereas to others, it's another form of expressing who they are. To me, hair adds to my self confidence. For a while though, my hair honestly used to define who I was, or at least that's how I felt. It took something extremely drastic, for me to realize, I am not, nor have I ever been my hair. You guys saw on this very blog, videos that I posted of me cutting my hair. The old me, would cry when she cut her hair, now people have to talk me out of cutting it. So, for me, I hid behind my hair, whereas now, I feel like I am becoming more in touch with who I am, because of shedding the old.
Let's look deeper though. Let's think about the women who have lost their hair from cancer, or the women losing their hair because of severe stress, or the women, who make a living from making women feel beautiful by doing their hair, or the women who suffer with alopecia. . . Sometimes hair is more than just looking pretty, for lack of better words.
Hair can heal. Hair can make a woman, who walked in feeling horrible, feel amazing when she steps out of that chair. Hair is so much more than just what's on top of your head. It's a representation of how we feel about ourselves. It can be the added addition to the reason we ace our job interview. It can be the reason people stop and take notice to you. Hair is so much more, and I honestly didn't realize that, until I started working for Healing Through Hair.
Healing Through Hair, our mission is to help, to inspire, to motivate, and most importantly to heal through hair. I mentioned earlier about my sister J, and how she is an inspiration to me, well when she first told me about what she was doing, I was speechless. I've met wonderful people in my life, but J is one of the kindest, genuine, most caring person that I know. She goes out her way to help others, which is not only an inspiration, but it's truly a wonderful gift. I look up to her, and hope that the world is as blessed to know such a wonderful person, like I am. Nonetheless, I want to tell you what she is doing, and what she has allowed me to now do alongside her.
Our first event will take place 11.11.11 in Trinidad & Tobago!! Yes, my homeland, which is great all in itself. Aside from that, it will be a Hair Show, but unlike any hair show, that anyone has been to, the cause of this show, is to increase awareness, and also to support the women that are incarcerated in the Trinidad Prison. J has spent the last two years, going with her father, to this prison to visit these women, and to teach them how to do hair. So our major goal is that, upon release we will supply these women, with the tools they need, so that they are able to work. So that they're able to provide for their families. So that they're able to have a second chance.
I believe in second chances. I believe that someone can make a mistake that leads them to a place they never thought they'd be, and when given the opportunity, they can turn their life around. I believe that these women, did their time, and learned their lesson. I decided to be apart of this amazing team, because I believe in the cause. I believe in these women, as though they we're me. I believe that, this hair show, will touch other people's hearts the way it's touched mine. In life, if you're blessed enough to be able to help someone in need, outside of yourself, then I urge you to do it.
I'm also asking all my readers to support us. Support these women, by being in attendance. It's a great cause, and it's a great place to be. If anyone is interested in helping, or just attending, please email me at whosthatgiirl@gmail.com, for more info. . I love you all, and hope to see you all there in attendance!!!
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