Rumor has it. . Addressing the issue. .

"When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them." -- Marilyn Monroe

I will admit, I have never been the girl that I planned to be. Not that, this version of myself is so bad, its just, somewhere down the line, I lost the core of the good girl I used to be. I have made countless mistakes, that have followed me into early adulthood, questioning whether the notion of reinventing yourself is ever possible? I have spent many days, and nights crying my eyes out, because of some of the things I have heard about myself. BUT, today that ENDS. I have spent so many days, months, weeks, hell, if I'm honest, even years, caring about what people think about me. I am going to tell you, people will talk about you until their blue in the face, and the only thing that we can do, is give them something to talk about. I say this in the most positive way. I kill them with kindness, no matter what, you can never let anyone see you sweat. What separates a strong individual, from a weak one, is their power to ignore what doesn't matter, and to push forward when things get hard.

The most important thing to remember, is that we are ALL HUMAN. I've drank too much leaving me with blurs of the night before, I've cried hard over a guy, that never intended to love me back, I've let a few people turn my once innocent demeanor, into a daily newspaper for Brooklyn's amusement. I have made MISTAKES. But what I will NEVER do, is apologize for any of them. I have learned a lot about myself, and if I could go back, yes I'd probably do SOME things differently, but in all honesty, rumors and all, I am one of the realest people, because of the life I live. I learned what it means when they say we leave in a 'dog eat dog' society.

I am a good person at heart, judged, and criticized before ever speaking to me. I'm here to tell you, that I don't care what anyone thinks about me, the beauty in this journey with myself, is that my opinion of myself, is truly the only one that matters. If you take anything from this blog, I want you to know that I am the girl that because of experience, is so scared of love, that she blocks it out. I have learned the difference between love, sex, and everything in between. If that makes me a horrible person, then welcome to my life. This blog is my declaration, it is my right of passage to any little girl out there, afraid to tell the world of her story, because of all the wrongs she's made. I want you to know that, this is for you. This is for you to know that, when your back is against the wall, the tears won't stop falling, and just when you think you're so alone, that not even your mother could relate, I CAN. I'm STILL battling things in my life, and in a sense this blog allows us to explore it all together. I am opening my closet, and exposing it, to heal myself, but to most of all help you.

I'd like to use this blog to illustrate some of the everyday things I face, my journey to make it as an actress, a friend, a single and confused girl, but most of all, a girl so lost, that sometimes she still doesn't know who she is.

Katy Perry's freshman album 'Ur So Gay' debuts the perfect song, for anyone that can relate to being lost. . It is entitled Lost. Enjoy.

want me to address anything, email me at (: until next time guys!


  1. Hey I hear you, we all "Under Construction" out here, it's what I plan to name my book one day....but continue to grow, it only means great things


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