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So, I want to apologize for how inconsistent I've been since my last two posts. I will admit that life has been throwing a few curve balls, and I've been trying my best to keep up. Life is hectic, and I have NOT forgot about you all. Honestly speaking, this blog has been on my mind EVERYDAY! I have a lot of posts that I have started, and embarrassingly have not finished, YET. That is all in the past now, because I promise to finish them, and to keep writing.
For the most part life is a roller coaster, that I usually try to look at in the most optimistic way possible, but there are a few times, when I can't help but look at things negatively, sue me, I'm human! Life is hard, and I'm at the age where I'm sill young, but I'm too old to not be living life to the fullest. I have major goals for myself, and to be 21 years of age, with none of them accomplished, is utterly depressing. I should have been in California since last summer, chasing my dream, that a million other people have started chasing since they were like 2. Nonetheless, I am going to keep fighting for what I want. Trust and believe!
I recently got rehired to work back for the New Jersey Turnpike, as a summer toll collector. I am relieved to finally be back apart of the working society. Jersey is extremely boring, and I am trying my best to find as much excitement as I can. (Even though I've been quite unsuccessful. You win some, you lose some) Anywho, I'll keep you guys posted on everything! until next time :)

me w/ crazy hair @ my house in jersey. Truthfully, this is the most fun I have. ♥
I'd also like to leave you guys w/ Billionaire By Travie Mccoy Feat Bruno Mar. This is the offical video. I love this song! Happy Watching!
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