I want it ALL. Should I NOT?

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."-- Carl Sagan
I've been spending a lot of time thinking, but not just thinking; planning. I want it ALL, because I simply could not live life, knowing there was so much more possibilities and opportunities out there, that I chose not to seize.
A lot of us SETTLE. It sounds harsh, but its the truth. We're conditioned to believe that being 'content' is enough, when in truth, it's never enough.
Enough is being able to have your family, live comfortably. Enough is being happy, because you know, no matter what you don't have any regrets, or what ifs. I hate 'what ifs' which is why I try my hardest NOT to have any. What ifs stay up at night, while you try to sleep. They follow you, every step you take, whispering in your ear "what if I tried harder? "what if I didn't let everyone else dictate what I want'. Be it as it may, what ifs kill a person.
A lot of us, are hindered because of our circumstance, because unfortunately for us, we're not all born with silver spoons in our mouth, or millions in our bank account. As great as that would be, this just is NOT the case. More than half of us struggle, to just live. The economy is horrible, the job market isn't hiring, even those that are qualified with a masters degree, so where does that leave a lot of us?? TIRED. I know all these facts, and yet, I still strive for more. It may sound silly, but nothing can kill my spirit. I simply won't allow it to. I have been to hell and back, and I will STILL continue to work my ass off to achieve all that I KNOW I deserve. I just need you all to do the same. I try to lead by example when I write to you, because faking the funk just doesn't make sense. I am back in school full time, working two jobs, and still looking for a third. All the while still trying to make my company TheRedEyeGroup reach the top. There is never enough work done. If you want anything bad enough, you have to work so hard, to make it happen. No one will care enough about your dream, as you do. Remember that.
I'm urging all of you, to not let your circumstance dictate what your future will be. It may seem like things will never get better, but if you're still fighting to change your situation, then you're already on the way to progression. I'm tired of everyone being so content with their situation. It upsets me, knowing that a lot of us, give up, because life gets in the way. I know all to well, about life getting in the way, but what's more upsetting is knowing that for some, working a 9 to 5, vacationing once a year (if lucky) always having to pay a monthly bill, and when 65 hits, being able to retire with an decent amount of money (depending on the field of choice) is more than okay. I'm sorry to anyone that finds this okay, but sadly I don't. I don't think this is enough, when I know that there are people truly living life. I may not want the kids, but I sure as hell want the huge house, with the cars in the garage. I want the option to get up and go, just because I'm overworked. I need money not to be something that's so widely discussed. Money to me, is something that you should just have, because you know you've worked for it. I'm tired of money being the focal point of life. Money, should be looked at as clothes, you know you have them on. Point, blank, period. Don't talk about it, be about it. If you want it bad enough, go get it. I'll continue to strive for more, I hope you will too!!!!
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