World Aids Day 2010.

Today is World AIDS Day, and if you haven't already I encourage you to help the cause. It can be something as small as wearing red, or a red ribbon. Informing other's that aren't as aware as they should be. There is a great site, that allows you to make a pledge, and also gives some ideas, of how you can help individually. I already made my pledge, so if you're interested here goes the link : Also I encourage EVERYONE, to go out and get tested. Not just for AIDS, but for everything. If it helps to know someone who's actually going, I am here to let you know, that I am practicing what I preach. I will being going to get tested at 1pm, right before school.
LETS STATE THE FACTS: What is the difference between H.I.V and A.I.DS? To some this might be a silly question, but to some, they truly don't know the difference.
H.I.V, otherwise known as 'Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus', is a virus that attacks the body's immune system-the body's defence against diseases. H.I.V is passed through four fluids, which are : infected blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or breast milk. Everything else that you've heard is a myth. You cannot get H.I.V from saliva. There is also NO cure for H.I.V, but treatment can keep the virus under control and the immune system healthy. People on HIV treatment, can live healthy, active life, although they may experience side effects from the treatment.
A.I.D.S, otherwise known as 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome', results from the virus, H.I.V. You don't actually 'get' AIDS, you might get H.I.V, and later develop A.I.D.S. A.I.D.S is considered to have developed, when the immune system is so weak is can no longer fight off a range of diseases with with it would normally cope.
As you all know, I am currently taking a human sexuality class. It is one of the most interesting classes, I've taken to date. It has strengthened what I already knew, while also informing me, of things I wasn't aware of. It must of been the third week into the class, and we we're scheduled to watch a film, and also take a test. At first the whole class, was trying to find ways, to get out of watching the film, and only take the test. Fortunately for us, we had to watch the film. The film was titled 'ONE WEEK'. which is directed by, Carl Seaton, and before I continue, if you haven't seen it, I URGE you, to go out and rent it. IT IS A MUST SEE! Anyway, the movie is about a guy, who gets a call from the clinic, urging him to come down and get tested. I won't spoil the movie, but it's about him taking an H.I.V test, and the week that he waits for his results. It was extremely sad, but it was such a realistic rendition, of reality.
The truth of the matter is that H.I.V, is a growing epidemic, taking a lot of our people. The number's are alarming, and it's sad. My belief is that, a lot of people are truly not aware, of the risks, that they take every time they engage in ANY sexual activity. For example, how many people actually know, that you can get the same STDS, OR H.I.V, that you would get from vaginal, or anal sex, from ORAL SEX? How many people are aware that they should in all actuality, be using dental dams, and condoms, when engaging in oral sex? The truth is, not many. The numbers I am about to present to you, are extremely alarming, and once you look them over, I ask you to process them, and go out and get tested.

GYT, otherwise known as, 'GET YOURSELF TESTED, GET YOURSELF TALKING' is a great movement. It's always important to know where you stand, when it comes to your health. We're all adults, and if you're engaging in sexual activity, then it's important to also be aware of what can happen to your body, as well as, what IS ACTUALLY happening to your body. Speak to your health care provider, as openly as possible. They're here to help, and they know what their doing. If you're in a relationship, or even having casual sex, it's important that you discuss getting tested with your partner.

I am an African American woman, and if you look at that graph, African Americans make up 42.8 percent of that graph. What does that tell you? By race/ethnicity, African Americans face the most severe burden of HIV in the united states.

Have you let those number's sink in? I hope you have. What's worse, is these number's are only for those that have actually been diagnosed. A lot of people walk around with H.I.V, and are unaware. How many people can honestly say they've been tested for H.I.V? I lost my virginity at 15 years old, (judgements to yourself please) and since then I've been tested for H.I.V every 6months. My health is important to me, as well as it should be to you. I know that as a minority, the statistics, are at all time high, and anything I can do to prevent, help the cause, or simply informing others, then I WILL DO.
H.I.V among the gay community, is at an all time high. WHY?Anal sex, no matter the gender, is a risky act. It’s important to remember that HIV can be transmitted through anal sex, especially anal intercourse. The risk of HIV transmission is greater than in vaginal intercourse because the lining of the rectum tears more easily than the vagina. The resulting skin breaks and bleeding increase the possibility of the transmission of bodily fluids containing the virus that causes AIDS. Those who engage in either vaginal or anal penetrative sexual acts should use latex condoms, the best way to reduce the likelihood of HIV transmission

Another graph that shows even more alarming rates. As we know, blacks as a whole face the MOST SEVERE BURDEN OF H.I.V, and if we look at that graph, we see that male to male sexual contact makes up 61% of being infected with H.I.V.
H.I.V & A.I.D.S
No matter who has it, affects us all as a whole. No matter the race, it is affecting us all. Women who contract H.I.V, and become pregnant, not only have to worry about themselves being infected, but also now the possibility of passing it on to their unborn child, during delivery. Fortunately, medicines currently given to HIV-positive pregnant women have reduced mother-to-child HIV transmission tremendously in the United States. It does not 100% guarantee that the unborn child won't get it, during the labor process, but it lowers the chances to about 2%. I was watching this show, 'I'm pregnant, and H.I.V positive' and I swear throughout the show I was in tears. It was the saddest thing, watching this woman tell the story of actually becoming infected with the Virus, but then having to see her worry about passing the virus on to her baby, hit me hard.
We're NOT perfect, and we ALL make mistakes. It's just important to know that some mistakes lead to fatal consequences. I want everyone to go out and get tested. I want you all to become aware, and know that no one asks to become infected with H.I.V. It's sad, it takes lives of innocent people, as well as those who have no clue. The show was so sad, because the woman got it from a guy she loved. He had H.I.V that fully developed into full blown A.I.D.S, and never informed her. A.I.D.S eventually took his life, and it wasn't until the mother called the woman, that she found out he had ever been infected. It's a sad epidemic, and it's even sadder to see that the highest numbers are happening to my race. I am an aware individual, who wants to speak up for everyone, yet I can't. We have to all play our part, and do what we must to prevent anyone we know from getting it, by informing them, of all the risks, and also leading by example and going out and getting tested.
If you've never been tested, go with a friend, go with a partner, just GO. Breathe and it will be okay. If God-forbid, you we're to become positive with an STD, OR H.I.V, talk to your health care provider about your treatment plan. Ask a lot of questions, so you understand the next steps.
My hope is that, people will eliminate the social stigma's' of H.I.V. The people who are infected with this, should not feel like they cannot come out, and speak about having it. No one asks to have H.I.V, so if you know ANYONE currently infected, do not make them feel like a misfit, or outcast. Their walking a hard road, that some of us won't ever understand, but having a support system is extremely important.
It shouldn't only be on WORLD AIDS DAY, that so many people are speaking about it. It should be a normal conversation. I love you all, and I could go on all day about this, but I have to go get ready to go get tested! I urge you all go out and do the same!!! I hope that this post, was informative, as well as helpful. Feedback is greatly appreciated :)
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